Railway Robotics

Railway Robotics

Produksjon av jernbaneutstyr

Ås, Viken 1,533 følgere

Helping railway maintainers lubricate and inspect turnouts faster, cheaper and safer

Om oss

We believe that through disruptive innovation the railway industry can reduce cost spent on inspection and maintenance while increasing capacity for freight and passengers trains. From our experience in different industries we have seen a huge potential to innovate in the railway industry. We work in the Norwegian railway (Bane NOR) in the SMART maintenance department where our day job is creating software and hardware that enables the core business to go from calendar based maintenance to predictive and in some cases automatic maintenance. This company was founded by us so we could contribute with our work and experience outside of Norway. The game changing inventions we make can help not only Bane NOR but also other railway infrastructure owners and railway infrastructure managers worldwide. Our patent in Norway is co-owned by Bane NOR. Patents in other markets is pending and fully owned by Railway Robotics with PCT application filled. We have experience in software, data science, product development, engineering and maintenance. Our mission is to enable our customers to cut cost on inspections and maintenance while increasing capacity for freight and passengers trains. Robots anyone?

Produksjon av jernbaneutstyr
2–10 ansatte
Ås, Viken
Privateid selskap
Maintenance without train disturbance, Inspection without train disturbance, Connected to asset management system, Connected to asset analytics system, Automatic maintenance, Automatic inspection


Ansatte i Railway Robotics


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