Are you wondering what are we up to at STAR_bergen? We are a research group located at Haraldsplass diakonale sykehus, with a particular interest in knee injuries. The group consists of orthopedic surgeons, physiotherapists, radiologists, senior researchers, and medical students. These are all healthcare professions that patients encounter at the hospital, and are all involved in ensuring the best possible treatment for those who need it. Among other things, our research investigates: 🤾♀️ Return to sports after anterior cruciate ligament injury 🧠 Psychological factors after anterior cruciate ligament injury 🧓 Long-term results after anterior cruciate ligament surgery 👨⚕️ Revision surgery ❓ Treatment of patients with patellar instability Our research is conducted with close proximity to the clinic. This makes our research relevant to both research colleagues, other healthcare professionals, and for the patients we treat. The group is also affiliated with the Universitetet i Bergen (UiB), Haukeland universitetssjukehus and Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL) Feel free to follow us to see more of what we're up to!
En tverrfaglig forskningsgruppe med primærfokus på tilstander i kneet.
Om oss
The Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy Research group (STAR), with a primary focus on knee conditions, aims to contribute to local and national professional development with a patient-centered approach. Haraldsplass Diakonale Hospital has long been among the largest Norwegian centers for advanced knee surgery, including anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The research group operates in a patient-oriented environment where the distance from clinical issues to research questions is short. The group is broadly composed and has an interdisciplinary environment with representation from Orthopedics, Physiotherapy, and Radiology. Results from previous and ongoing research projects have had visible implications in terms of changes in surgical techniques, measures to increase patient safety/reduce the number of reoperations, and new routines for radiological examinations. Work originating from the group has won national awards in recent years and has been awarded funding from the Western Norway Regional Health Authority on several occasions. The group has several PhD candidates and also leads independent projects with national and international collaborators. // Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy Research group (STAR) har, med hovedfokus på tilstander i kneet, som formål å bidra til lokal og nasjonal fagutvikling med pasienten i fokus. Haraldsplass Diakonale Sykehus har over tid vært blant de største norske sentra innen avansert knekirurgi, derunder fremre korsbåndsrekonstruksjon. Forskningsgruppen fungerer slik sett i et pasientnært miljø hvor avstanden fra kliniske problemstillinger til forskningsspørsmål er kort. Gruppen er bredt sammensatt og har et tverrfaglig miljø med representasjon fra Ortopedi, Fysioterapi og Radiologi.
- Bransje
- Forskningstjenester
- Bedriftsstørrelse
- 11–50 ansatte
- Hovedkontor
- Bergen
- Type
- Offentlig virksomhet
Bergen, NO
Ansatte i STAR_bergen
Thomas Birkenes
Orthopaedic surgeon
Trine Hysing-Dahl
Specialist in orthopaedic physiotherapy, PhD. Researcher focusing on patellar instability
Per Arne Skarstein Waaler
Orthopaedic surgeon specializing in knee surgery, Haukeland University Hospital. Research on patellar instability.
Kristine Mundal
✨What a year it has been!✨ Looking back at 2024 seen through the lense of our LinkedIn-page, we realize that it has been a busy and productive year for STAR_bergen. Some of the main events: 👨🏫Eivind Inderhaug became a professor at the Universitetet i Bergen (UiB). 🤓We hosted the seminar titled "Beyond the ACL" at Haraldsplass diakonale sykehus, and had the pleasure of listening to Nicky van Melick share her knowledge. 🎓Thomas Birkenes finished his PhD and defended his thesis "Long-term risk of arthroplasty and patient-reported outcomes following focal cartilage lesions in the knee". 🤌We attended ESSKA - European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery & Arthroscopy in Milan, where we presented our research on both podiums and posters. 📑Six scientific papers with group members as first authors have been published in KSSTA Journal, American Journal of Sports Medicine, Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics and The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc. ✈️Sanna Håland have visited the Mayo Clinic and CentraCare in Minnesota, looking into AI in evaluation of tibial slope. 🗨️We have disseminated our research at NORSK ARTROSKOPIFORENINGs annual meeting in Oslo, NORSK IDRETTSMEDISINSK FORENINGs sports congress in Bergen, the Swedish network meeting in ACL research, in addition to different webinars, news articles and podcasts. 👀Three PhD projects are currently ongoing, focusing on revision surgery in ACL patients, surgical outcomes after patellar instability and return to sport after ACL reconstruction. 🎉Wishing all our colleagues, friends and fellow research enthusiasts a happy new year. We are excited to see where 2025 takes us!🎉
🤔Good research is inspired by good research questions🗯️ In STAR_bergen, we are currently working on filling in the gaps in these areas of research:
💥Torn your ACL?💥 Here are some findings from Line Lindanger's PhD titled "25-year results after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with the use of a patellar tendon autograft" that you might find useful. 👀Remember that when reading research, you only see a small selection of a wide and complex field. Individual considerations are always made when evaluating your specific situation in the clinic.
🌌Idrettsmedisinsk påfyll i Nordens Paris?🌌 Hold av datoen for Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress 2025: 📌HVOR? Tromsø. 📆NÅR? 7.-9. November. Påmeldingen er allerede åpnet: Vi gleder oss til å se blant annet Hege Grindem, Teppo Jarvinen og Ingerid Baksaas Aasen! 🙌
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Contribute to the ESSKA PAMI Study! ✅ 👉 This survey has been developed by the Basic Science Committee of ESSKA to assess the adherence to the IOC guidelines on pediatric ACL reconstruction, which were published a few years ago, among ESSKA members throughout Europe. The questions focus specifically on pediatric patients with open physes and are intended for orthopedic and trauma surgeons. Your insights are crucial for understanding how these guidelines are being implemented in clinical practice. Thank you for your participation in this important initiative. #PedriaticACL #ESSKA #PAMI #Survey
📆One year down the line...📆 The 15th of December marks one year after Trine Hysing-Dahl defended her PhD thesis “Finding stability: Experienced and measured function after undergoing surgery for patellar instability”. 💬Her public defense included great discussions with first opponent Joanna Kvist and second opponent Andy Metcalfe. Shortly after finishing her PhD, Trine embarked on her postdoc position at Universitetet i Bergen (UiB) and STAR_bergen, where she has continued to enhance the field of research on patellar instability. During 2024, she has got three scientific papers accepted in the Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics, titled: 🏋♀️Rehabilitation after surgey for Patellar instability 🔎The Norwegian version of the Norwich Patellar Instability score has good validity and moderate reproducibility 🧐The ability of Knee Osteoarthritis Outcome Score to detect changes over time is limited in patients with patellar instability due to substantial ceiling effect We are impressed by Trine and her work, and are excited to see where her research brings her next! Universitetet i Bergen (UiB) | STAR_bergen | Haraldsplass diakonale sykehus
✨Three reasons to follow STAR_bergen✨ 1️⃣ Stay updated on our research Get the latest updates on our published papers, often summarized in infographics or bullet points - making our research more accessible. 2️⃣Gain clinical insights Gain valuable insight from clinicians and researchers in the field through featured articles and presentations of our ongoing projects. 3️⃣Network and collaboration opportunities Connect with like-minded professionals, and stay informed about events and congresses where our teams is presenting or participating. And hopefully, we are better at communicating research than AI-models are at generating images of research groups...🤖🥴
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Thank you to our incredible faculty— James Robinson, Michael Iosifidis, Eivind Inderhaug, Assoc.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Marcus Hofbauer, MBA, Katja Tecklenburg, and Riccardo Compagnoni—for their expert contributions to the 4th edition of our ACL Module in Cologne on 3-4 December! 🎓✨ Special thanks to our Module Chair, Gonzalo Samitier Solis, and Co-Chair, Tom Patt, for leading such a successful and engaging session. A heartfelt thank you as well to our Continuous Professional Education Partner, Zimmer Biomet, for their ongoing support, and to RIMASYS GROUP for hosting us at their state-of-the-art CADLAB facility. 🌟👏 Our ACL module continues to be our most sought-after certification module, so if you missed out this time, make sure to keep an eye out for next year’s modules! Finally, a huge thank you to our participants—your enthusiasm for these modules is the driving force behind the European Certification Programme! 💪🏽 #ESSKA #Orthopaedics #ACL #SurgicalEducation #ProfessionalDevelopment
🛫Teaching and travelling🛬 Sharing knowledge is not all about research - but also about sharing clinical skills. Eivind Inderhaug had the pleasure of joining Tom Patt, Gonzalo Samitier Solis, Riccardo Compagnoni, Katja Tecklenburg, James Robinson, Michael Iosifidis and Assoc.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Marcus Hofbauer, MBA in the faculty of the 4th European ACL certification Module of ESSKA - European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery & Arthroscopy in Cologne, Germany, last week.
The 4th European ACL Certification module of ESSKA - European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery & Arthroscopy last week in Cologne, Germany, is a wrap! On 3rd-4th of December during part 2, the surgical skills training and asessment, 19 colleagues from Europe and the Middle East were evaluated and showed their operative skills in the Zimmer Biomet facilities at the Rimasys Anatomical Solutions lab in Cologne. Being co-chair of this module with the great chair Gonzalo Samitier Solis, we were part of a 8 person faculty (see below). The international exchange within this faculty as well as with the participants showed the clear mission of highest standard, where ESSKA stands for. My special thanks to Ben M., Alicia Triebsch, Bryony Edwards and their team for the splendid organisation. Looking forward to the next modules to come! faculty: Prof. Dr. Eivind Inderhaug, Prof. Dr. Riccardo Compagnoni, Dr. Katja Tecklenburg, James Robinson, Dr. Michael Iosifidis, Assoc.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Marcus Hofbauer, MBA Dr. Maximiliano Ibañez, Dr. Wieger Horstmann, Dr. Breck Lord, Dr. Alessandro Carrozzo ESSKA-ESMA, Team ACL, Bergman Clinics #certification #orthopedics #Europe #acl
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