2024 was the year I started building the life I’ve always dreamed of. A life where I get to work with amazing people, do work that feels meaningful, and have the flexibility to prioritise what matters—whether that’s spending more time with my whānau overseas or taking on projects that truly light me up. But I won’t lie—it’s been a year of big challenges. There were so many moments where I thought, this is just way too hard. I don’t know if I can do this. And yet, I kept coming back to the promises I made to myself earlier in the year. Those words guided me through the tough days and reminded me to trust the process, to keep showing up, and to stay rooted in my purpose. As December winds down, I’m reflecting on the messy moments, the lessons learned, and the progress made. This is your reminder: Take some time to think about the life you want to create next year. Dream big. Set your vision. It’s worth it.