Well said Roger Dungan. 2030 has been a significant date for a long time. It is very confronting for us all that it is little more than 5 years away. The article is very balanced - unlike its highly misleading title…
General Manager Strategic Partnerships and Communication at Scion, helping build a forest-based bioeconomy for Aotearoa New Zealand.
Hey Newsroom NZ - great article, but yowza that’s a misleading headline. The way you’ve snipped this quote implies Rod Carr is saying that we should shut the door (window) on afforestation as part of our climate action. That’s very unhelpful impression to give. We need significant afforestation - indigenous as well as exotic - at scale and at pace to have any hope of meeting our climate targets. What Rod said is that the window has shut for that tree planting to count towards our NDC. No argument with that - afforestation planted now takes a while to get going, and it won’t make much difference to net emissions by 2030. But we’ll need all that and more to close the gap in the third budget period and beyond. The rest of Marc Daalder’s article is a cracker, well worth a read. And makes the essential point that we need much greater afford to get our gross emissions down. But geez, that headline’s a shocker… #aforestsation #climateaction Elizabeth Rose Heeg, Olivia Wannan, Barry Anderson,