Keeping Afloat with Practical Tips for Managing Cash Flow When Times Are Hard. Economic downturns or unexpected challenges can strain cash flow for businesses and individuals. Maintaining financial health during tough times requires a proactive approach, and as we know most are finding times tough right now. Begin by assessing your current financial position. Review your income and expenses to identify recurring cash inflows and prioritise necessary costs. Evaluate your reserves to determine how much emergency funding or savings is available as a cushion. Get in touch with us if you need some help. Click on the link below for 5 helpful hints to help when the going gets tough: Visit our Business Resource Centre for more articles Follow us next week when we look at what cost control is. #Cashflow #Accountant #Finance #SmallBusinesses #BusinessHelp
Stephen Larsen and Co
Palmerston North, Manawatū-Whanganui 22 followers
Committed to providing encouragement to people who want a small successful business and rental property owners
About us
Here at Stephen Larsen and Co, we are committed to making the right thing happen for you as we seek to fulfil our slogan's promise; caring about your Business Prosperity. We seek to forge strong relationships built on trust, integrity and experience with every one of our clientele and strive to maintain these throughout the period of time that we are privileged to service them. Stephen Larsen and Co is involved in supporting the community and we service several public benefit entities and non profit organisations and a local school.
- Website
External link for Stephen Larsen and Co
- Industry
- Accounting
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Palmerston North, Manawatū-Whanganui
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2005
- Specialties
- Accounting, Rental Property Returns, Family Trust Accounting, Individual Tax Returns, Overdue Tax Returns, IRD Debt Negotiation, Xero, MYOB, GST Returns, PAYE Returns, FBT Returns, and RWT Returns
108 Albert Street
Palmerston North, Manawatū-Whanganui 4410, NZ
11 Collins Ave
Tawa Flat, Wellington 5028, NZ
Employees at Stephen Larsen and Co
The Power of Embracing Change for Profit Improvement It is simple to improve the profitability of a business but there is a catch. What to do is the easy part; being willing to do it is the stumbling block. Successful people have the courage to change their way of doing business. A refusal to try something different can limit your chances of success. Have you ever said “That sounds okay in theory but it won’t work in my business?” Click on the link below for helpful charts, 5 areas to focus on, and planning hints. Visit our Business Resource Centre for more articles #Accountant #Change #BusinessStrategy #BusinessDevelopment #Profit
Why Loyal Customers Are the Key to Business Success Customer retention is a critical component of business growth. While acquiring new customers is important, retaining existing ones is often more cost-effective and contributes significantly to long-term profitability. Click on the link below to see why customer retention is so important to your profitability and helpful tips to engage and keep your customers. Visit our Business Resource Centre for more articles Follow us next week where we look at Profit improvement potential #Accountant #Customers #SmallBusinesses #Profit #BusinessStrategy
Adding Value to Improve Profits - Strategies Beyond Pricing When businesses think of improving profits, they often default to strategies like raising prices or cutting costs. While pricing is an important factor, focusing solely on it can be shortsighted. True profit improvement comes from adding value in ways that create lasting customer loyalty and differentiate your brand. Delivering exceptional quality, innovating solutions, and enhancing the customer experience are powerful ways to increase profitability without relying solely on price adjustments. Click on the link below for 9 areas to focus on for adding value in your business Visit our Business Resource Centre for more articles Follow us next week where we look at Profit improvement – customer retention #Accountant #SmallBusinesses #Value #Profit #BusinessStrategy
The Silent Threat – How to Shield Your Business While external threats like market fluctuations or cyberattacks often capture attention, internal risks—arising from employees, partners, or associates—can pose an even greater danger. Safeguarding your business from these threats requires a combination of vigilance, strong policies, and a culture of integrity. Click on the link below to see 8 important pointers to safeguarding you business Visit our Business Resource Centre for more articles Follow us next week where we look at Profit improvement - adding value #Accountant #FamilyBusinesses #SmallBusinesses #BusinessStrategy #Safety
Understanding the Four Stages of Business Management The business management cycle is an essential tool for any organization looking to achieve sustainable growth and success. By following the stages of evaluating, analysing, planning, and monitoring businesses can ensure that they are not only meeting their current objectives but also positioning themselves for future opportunities. Embracing this cycle fosters a culture of continuous improvement, allowing companies to adapt, innovate, and thrive in a competitive market. Click on the link below to see the 4 areas, what they do and why they help, and a strengths and weakness chart. Visit our Business Resource Centre for more articles Follow us next week where we look at Safeguarding your Business. #Accountant #Business #BusinessManagement #SmallBusinesses #Management
"Why Planning is the Key to Business Success and Growth" Never claim you don't have time to plan - planning is essential for long-term success in any business aiming for success and sustain growth. By setting clear objectives, businesses can focus their efforts on specific goals, guiding decision-making processes and reducing uncertainty. Strategic planning helps allocate resources efficiently, ensuring that time, money, and talent are used effectively. This approach not only maximizes productivity but also positions businesses to seize opportunities and navigate challenges more confidently. Click on the link below to see tips and pointers on what you want and need to achieve. Visit our Business Resource Centre for more articles Follow us next week where we look at Business Benchmarking #Accountant #BusinessStrategies #SmallBusinesses #Planning #Strategies #BusinessAdvice
"Stocktaking Essentials – Ensuring Accuracy for Business Success" Stocking is a fundamental aspect of inventory management that should not be overlooked. The importance of getting it correct cannot be overstated, as it impacts financial accuracy, operational efficiency, supply chain management and customer satisfaction. Regular stocktakes, combined with effective inventory management practices, can lead to significant improvements in overall business performance. Click on the link below to see who needs to do stocktaking, methods, cut offs and more Visit our Business Resource Centre for more articles Follow us next week where we look at Why is planning important #Accountant #BusinessStrategey #Tax #Stock #Accountability
"Fringe Benefits Tax on Company Vehicles: Strategies for Employers" Understanding the aspects of Fringe Benefits Tax on company vehicles is crucial for employers providing vehicles for employee use. It is essential to understand the definitions, calculation methods, exemptions and reporting requirements. For tailored advise or specific situations, consulting a tax professional is recommended. Click on the link below for options, exemptions, 4 points for work related vehicles and how the calculations are done. Visit our Business Resource Centre for more articles Follow us next week where we look at Stocktaking #Accountant #SmallBusinesses #BusinessHelp #Tax #BusinessStrategies
"ACC – A Pillar of Support for Injury Recovery in New Zealand" ACC plays a vital role in personal injury compensation, providing a system that ensures all individuals have access to necessary support and rehabilitation. The levy system is designed to fund these services fairly and sustainably, reflecting the risks associated with different activities and ensuring that the financial burden is shared across the country. Click on the link below and find out how ACC levies work and the importance of checking your information. Click on the downloads below for helpful advice on understanding ACC and the levies. Visit our Business Resource Centre for more articles Follow us next week where we look at Fringe Benefit on Company vehicles #Accountant #SmallBusinesses #ACC #Accident #Levies #BusinessAdvice #BusinessStrategies