This is a remarkable turning point in my journey... This is me about to go on stage in front of about 300 people at the NZ ADHD conference this weekend... surprisingly calm, given what I am about to share...
You see, for the first time in such a large and public setting, I talked about my own ADHD brain wiring. I shared personal stories from throughout my life and career that demonstrated how ADHD has provided both exceptional strengths that have propelled my success, and frustrating challenges that have caused inner turmoil and confusion.
A key theme with the benefit of hindsight, is how situationally variable my experience of ADHD has been. I can now see how different life demands (hello children I'm looking at you 😚), work types, physical and social environments, hormone changes, and stress levels, have really changed how ADHD traits have surfaced for me over time. Check out Smith & Kirby (2021) for more on this concept if you're interested.
There are so many other learnings and anecdotes from my life through an ADHD lens to share with you all - but more than can fit in one post. But I'll share more over the next few months.
For now, I hope that by vulnerably sharing my own life journey at the conference and other presentations I offer, alongside some key concepts about ADHD and practical strategies that I have found useful, I can help ADHDers, their teams, managers, and organisations to:
- Understand and appreciate different ways of thinking;
- Gain a greater awareness and acceptance of themselves or their colleagues; and
- Create the environment to harness those exceptional strengths, mitigate the challenges when they need to, unmask and thrive!
If you're interested in having me speak to your organisation or event, about team leadership, ways of working, neurodiversity, ADHD, fostering innovation, and everything in between, then please get in touch -
A huge thank you to Bex O'Malley for her practical and emotional support on the day, and the wonderful people at Goldmind who have developed and delivered the life-changing ADHD Coach training I've been doing - Alex Campbell, Katie Friedman, and Laura Fair.