
Government Resources

Oakland Public Library is a congressionally designated depository for U.S. Government Documents.  Public access to the government documents collection is guaranteed by public law, Title 44 of the United States Code.

As a Federal Depository Library, Oakland Public Library is committed to making government materials accessible in a variety of formats. A computer is freely available at the Main Library Reference Services Desk for use by all patrons needing to access electronic government resources.

The collection is based on the Core Collection for Small to Medium Sized Libraries from the U. S. Government Publishing Office’s Federal Depository Library Handbook.

Portals to Government Documents

Congressional Record and Legislation replaces THOMAS as the official website for federal legislative information and combines elements from FDsys.
Federal Register Journal

Federal Register

The official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders.


GovInfo provides authenticated access to official publications from all three branches of the U.S. Government.

Codes and Laws

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Describes what workers do on the job, working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and job prospects in a range of jobs.
United States Code Law Books

United States Code

The United States Code is published every six years with supplements published annually.

This site is organized by topic and is a good starting point when looking for government resources

USA.Gov en Español

USAGov en Español es su guía en línea de información y servicios gubernamentales.
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