Coming on Freddy’s Donor List: 1199 Staff

Look for a round of $250 contributions from staffers of SEIU Local 1199 in Freddy’s next filing, after the senior

Look for a round of $250 contributions from staffers of SEIU Local 1199 in Freddy’s next filing, after the senior political staffer there, Jennifer Cunningham, stood up at a meeting, told colleagues she planned to give Freddy the maximum matchable donation, and urged them to do the same.

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In a brief interview, Cunningham stressed that the contributions are strictly optional (though her status as Dennis’s right hand must serve as encouragement to waverers).

But what this tidbit really indicates where the Ferrer campaign’s focus is presently: fundraising, fundraising, and fundraising.

Coming on Freddy’s Donor List: 1199 Staff