Dorm Update

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New York University and the Hudson Companies have been meeting some stiff opposition from area residents over the planned dorm development at 110-124 East 12th Street, the former site of St. Ann’s Church (where only the church’s steeple, pictured, remains–N.Y.U. says it’ll be incorporated into the new building’s design). The school plans on using the air rights of the nearby Cooper Station Post Office to construct a tower up to 26 stories high (although the school’s vice president of campus planning, Sharon Greenberger, in a community town-hall meeting on Dec. 19, said the size of the building has not been determined; see The Villager‘s report for details).

Now the local community board is getting involved. On Dec. 22, Community Board 3 voted to create a subcommittee “to respond to community and board concerns … regarding the height, density and operation of the proposed buildings.” With the addition of Community Board 3 into the fray, the battle over the dorm is sure to get interesting. Already the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation is leaning on the school to minimize the bulk and height of the building, and area residents are becoming increasingly vocal about the development.

We’ll see what happens–stay tuned.

-Matthew Grace

Dorm Update