Huttle to Bergen Dems: Be careful what you wish for

Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle has no plans to seek re-election to the Bergen County Board of Freeholders or run for

Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle has no plans to seek re-election to the Bergen County Board of Freeholders or run for Bergen County Executive in 2006. Huttle, elected to the Assembly last November, will serve out the remainder of her term. But a Democrat close to Huttle says that “how hard she publicly campaigns for her fellow county Democratic candidates will depend upon the attitude and actions of the county organization leaders,” adding that if Bergen Democratic leaders continue to encourage former Assemblyman Ken Zisa to challenge State Senator Loretta Weinberg in the 2007 primary, “all bets are off” regarding Huttle’s decision not to challenge Dennis McNerney in the 2006 primary.

Huttle to Bergen Dems: Be careful what you wish for