Pataki: “My Guys on Montauk”

It’s “too early” to say whether he’s running for president, but not too early to clock his third visit to

It’s “too early” to say whether he’s running for president, but not too early to clock his third visit to New Hampshire since October.

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The real kick on these kinds of predictable campaign stops are the local papers.

Here’s the Portsmouth Herald entry on Pataki’s visit.

Two greatest hits:

Pataki made the proverbial Republican stop at Geno’s Chowder & Sandwich Shop, helping owner Evelyn Marconi ladle out chowder for a handful of residents who had come to meet him. The group was almost outnumbered by the New York television reporters and photographers following the governor on his out-of-town visit.

and, speaking to a group of fishermen about federal regulation of ground fishermen:

“Working two days a month on a boat isn’t going to pay off the bills,” Pataki said.
Pataki said he would “talk with my guys in Montauk (N.Y.)” to see how fishermen there were faring.

– Tom McGeveran

Pataki: “My Guys on Montauk”