Another Wrinkle in the 11th?

The field of candidates in the complicated congressional race in the 11th district race may soon undergo a subtle shift:

The field of candidates in the complicated congressional race in the 11th district race may soon undergo a subtle shift: Nick Perry, who dropped out of the race, is rumored to be on the verge of endorsing the only remaining Carribean-American candidate, Yvette Clarke.

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Asked about the possible development just moments ago, a Clarke aide would only say that “people will find out soon enough.”

Frank Shea, an aide to Perry, was no more forthcoming: “No official announcement has been made,” he said.

We’re not sure how significant the endorsement would be, although it could potentially serve to unify the significant block of Carribean-American voters behind one candidate for the first time.

Rock, any thoughts?

—Nicole Brydson

Another Wrinkle in the 11th?