Giuliani team hauls in $100,000 at fundraiser

So far it's a hard luck state here for any Republican who wants to be President whose name isn't Rudy

So far it's a hard luck state here for any Republican who wants to be President whose name isn't Rudy Giuliani.

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Assemblyman Jon Bramnick, who supports Giuliani for President, said Republicans raised $100,000 for the former New York Mayor's campaign at a mixer at Bramnick's house in Westfield last Sunday.

Bramnick had no problem mustering support for his own candidacy at Thursday night's Somerset County Republican Convention.

The district 21 Assemblyman is running for re-election on a ticket with Sen. Thomas Kean, Jr., and Assemblyman Eric Munoz, two other Giuliani supporters. The threesome received unanimous party backing.


Giuliani team hauls in $100,000 at fundraiser