Replacing a Pataki Holdover

One of the last George Pataki holdovers to walk the halls of second floor in the Capitol has been replaced.

One of the last George Pataki holdovers to walk the halls of second floor in the Capitol has been replaced.

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Karen Paikin, who was Pataki's — and for a short time, Eliot Spitzer's — Jewish liaison, was replaced today by Ross Wallenstein, an aide to Rep. Gary Ackerman of Queens and Nassau.

Here's an email from Wallenstein announcing the move:

Dear Friends & Colleagues:

I want to let you all know that after 4 years working for Congressman
Ackerman, today is my last day.

I am moving on to work for Governor Eliot Spitzer, where I will be
doing Intergovernmental Affairs and Jewish Community Affairs.

After today, you can feel free to reach me by cell phone at
917-###-#### or at

I will send out my new contact information when I get it.

All the best,


Replacing a Pataki Holdover