Rowling, Warner Bros. to Sue Over Potter Book

J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. filed a lawsuit at Manhattan federal court today over a book billed as an unofficial

J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. filed a lawsuit at Manhattan federal court today over a book billed as an unofficial encyclopedic companion to the Harry Potter book series, according to Reuters. They claim the book infringes copyright and attempts to cash in on the successful series.

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The 400-page book, titled the "The Harry Potter Lexicon," due to be released by RDR Books on November 28 in the United States, had inappropriately referenced Rowling’s fictional characters and universe, Rowling and Warner Bros. said.

"The infringing book is particularly troubling as it is in direct contravention to Ms. Rowling’s repeatedly stated intention to publish her own companion books to the series and donate proceeds of such books to charity," said the lawsuit, which the plaintiff said was filed on Wednesday in federal court in Manhattan.

Rowling, Warner Bros. to Sue Over Potter Book