Elsewhere: Missed Deadlines, New Laws, Departing Personnel

Just in time, Port Authority admits it will miss tomorrow’s deadline to finish exacavation work on the World Trade Center

Just in time, Port Authority admits it will miss tomorrow’s deadline to finish exacavation work on the World Trade Center site, and owe Larry Silverstein a lot of money.

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Greg Sargent reports that John Edwards is raking in money after his T.V. appearances yesterday.

Liz notes New York’s Airline Passenger Bill of Rights will become law tonight at midnight.

The anti-Muslim co-chair of Veterans for Rudy quits.

Bill Clinton is back in Iowa.

Barack Obama compares himself to Bill Clinton.

Edwards thinks Obama is “nice.”

Senator Maria Cantwell endorses Hillary Clinton.

Mike Huckabee pulls his negative ad, then screens it for reporters.

The Page has part ofthe ad.

Ron Paul has a new ad on immigration.

And his supporters are holding out hope for the Montana caucus.

The Clinton campaign releases “Countdown.”

Michael Crowley dissects Clinton’s stump speech.

Norman Oders looks at the year in Atlantic Yards media coverage.

PolitickerNJ names the "Rudest New Jerseyan Alive.”

On the night of the Iowa caucuses, Rudy Giuliani will be in Florida.

And pictured above is Stu Loeser in the middle of a crowd of people trying to get a photo with Bloomberg after a prayer breakfast this morning.

Elsewhere: Missed Deadlines, New Laws, Departing Personnel