Spitzer Calls in the Press Pros

After his press conference this morning, Eliot Spitzer took one on-topic question and departed, leaving reporters with queries on and

After his press conference this morning, Eliot Spitzer took one on-topic question and departed, leaving reporters with queries on and more than a few topics. And although he is expected to make a few remarks at his major fund-raiser tonight, a spokesman for Spitzer said the governor will not take questions from reporters.

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Unlike the usual arrangement with Spitzer fund-raisers, communications firm Berlin Rosen is handling the media for tonight’s event. (The same firm also works for the state Democratic Party). Jonathan Rosen, a principal at the firm, told me the they are not on retainer with the Spitzer 2010 campaign, but are working “on an as-needed basis.”

This is, apparently, a time of need.

Spitzer Calls in the Press Pros