Clinton Campaign Sees Symbolism in Hallmark Channel for Feb. 4 National Town Hall

Hillary Clinton’s "national town hall" in New York on Monday will air on the Hallmark channel in the 22 states

Hillary Clinton’s "national town hall" in New York on Monday will air on the Hallmark channel in the 22 states voting on February 5th.

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On a conference call with reporters just now, campaign spokesman Blake Zeff said it was the “culmination” of the technological outreach they’ve employed since the campaign began.

When I asked why it was airing on the Hallmark channel, Anthony Weiner, who was also on the call, said, “We’re using the Hallmark channel to point out that the hallmark of the Clinton campaign is to focus on the substance and the challenges that we have in the four years ahead. To point out that the hallmark of this campaign is using technology to reach voters is to bring them into the process as much as possible, and to point out that the hallmark of this campaign is to make decisions based on who will be ready to govern on Day One."

Weiner added, "We thought the Hallmark Channel would be an important place to make those points.”

Zeff added, “When you care enough to send the very best, Hallmark.”

Clinton Campaign Sees Symbolism in Hallmark Channel for Feb. 4 National Town Hall