Sheekey on Obama's Courtship of Bloomberg

Here’s a portion of a transcript New York 1 News sent over from an interview with Deputy Mayor Kevin Sheekey,

Here’s a portion of a transcript New York 1 News sent over from an interview with Deputy Mayor Kevin Sheekey, who said his boss spoke with Barack Obama last night:

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"Certainly you could joke that Obama’s call was a fundraising call yesterday,’’ Sheekey told political anchor Dominic Carter. “The man [Bloomberg] has the ability to finance a campaign. I don’t think that’s why you choose a vice president. I do think that people are going to be very concerned about the influence of special-interest money in this campaign going forward.”

“I think it was a reasonably short call, you know, I was briefed. I was told they had a nice call and I spoke to the mayor after they had breakfast a few months ago. Back to Obama — you were the one asking about an Obama ticket. I think the mayor is the ultimate swing voter. He is someone who the country is looking at to find out where they will go. He is one of the true independents in the country.”

Sheekey on Obama's Courtship of Bloomberg