Elsewhere: Casey, Blair, Kaye

”I think he can make a lot of progress. I don’t know if I want to make predictions about whether

”I think he can make a lot of progress. I don’t know if I want to make predictions about whether he can win,” Bob Casey said of Barack Obama’s chances in Pennsylvania.

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Tony Blair visited City Hall today.

Not only is State Chief Justice Judith Kaye threatening to sue over judicial pay, she was wearing purple today to “accentuate her rage.”

Eliot Spitzer’s plan to close some prisons in the state is dead.

The AP looks at Obama and oil money and finds that he does have two fund-raisers who are oil-company executives, and that he has raised more money from employees of at least one oil company than Clinton.

Marc Ambinder has a few ideas about what it means that John McCain is focusing attention on New Mexico.

Representative Rob Andrews, who has been agitating for statewide office for more than a decade, may challenge Senator Frank Lautenberg in a primary.

Obama maintains a significant lead on Hillary Clinton in North Carolina, according to both Public Policy Polling (54-36) and American Research Group (51-38).

Obama applauds Dan Rather.

Josh Marshall thinks Clinton’s big statements about staying in the race are mainly for the people who work for her.

N.Y.R.A. lost $34.3 million last year.

Community activists are protesting the Brooklyn Museum’s honoring of Bruce Ratner.

The Staten Island Advance corners Tom DiNapoli about the purpose of congestion pricing.

A hoax has been played on UPenn students; Obama will not speaking on their campus Tuesday night.

50 Cent has both switched his allegiance from Clinton to Obama, and lost interest in the race in general.

Elsewhere: Casey, Blair, Kaye