Elsewhere: Clearing Hillary, Another Candidate for Public Advocate

Remember the suspicion over Hillary Clinton's Chinatown donors? She was just cleared by the F.E.C. Sign Up For Our Daily

Remember the suspicion over Hillary Clinton's Chinatown donors? She was just cleared by the F.E.C.

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Michael Bloomberg's Immigrant Affairs commissioner Guillermo Linares may get into an increasingly crowded public advocate race.

The land use committee of Greenpoint's Community Board 1 approved an extra 10 stories on a local development, bringing the tower to 40 stories.

The Padavan-Gennaro recount is stalled for the holiday.

Dana Rubenstein looks at the New York magazine piece on the design of the former Fresh Kills landfill.

Larry Littlefield tries to square upstate's large number of local government employees with its lagging economy by comparing it to Cleveland.

An author criticizes the city's specialized high school admission process, in part because it lacks one standard test.

Politico seems bothered by the lack of specifics the Obama team provided about Larry Summer's duties at the hedge fund he just left.

By the end of the year, almost all Obama's cabinet picks will have been decided.

Elsewhere: Clearing Hillary, Another Candidate for Public Advocate