Blood on the Tracks

This You Know: As the Subways Go, So Goes the New York Economy. So What Are the Governor, Sheldon Silver

This You Know: As the Subways Go, So Goes the New York Economy. So What Are the Governor, Sheldon Silver and the M.T.A. Doing About It? ‘Until You Have an Agreement,’ Says Gov. Paterson, ‘You Don’t Know.’

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Where Transportation Plans Go to Die

By Jimmy Vielkind

ALBANY—Unable thus far to agree on what steps to take in order to avert an impending public-transportation catastrophe, Albany’s leaders emerged from a closed-door meeting in the Capitol shortly before noon on March 31 confident, at least, of what wasn’t going to happen.

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Dear Riders: This is Going to Hurt

By Eliot Brown

It was, apparently, too good to last. After years of improving performance and reliability, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority last week approved a set of extreme service cuts and a massive 25 percent fare hike. Should no new money come from the Legislature in Albany, entire lines would be cut, stations would grow dirtier and fewer booth operators would be around to help.

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Blood on the Tracks