Weekend in Review: Weiner’s Endorsement, a Paterson Revival

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There's not much of a budget battle between the city and Albany this year because "there's no money to fight over."

Anthony Weiner is endorsing Bill Thompson today.

This Times piece on government consolidation does not give Andrew Cuomo much credit for the New York legislation.

This D&C editorial praises the plan and attributes the whole thing to Cuomo.

Relatedly, David Paterson is opposing Tom DiNapoli's plan to have local governments contribute to the devastated state pension fund, but does not appear to have an alternative.

Paterson's return to championing fiscal austerity is not gaining much traction with voters or legislators, writes the D&C, but the A.P. is more optimistic about his chances of a comeback.

Michael Bloomberg adores car-free Times Square but came out against the plastic lawn chairs.

The federal government will begin consideration of high-speed rail projects later this month, and New York may or may not get some of the money.

The D.E.C. won a lawsuit that would have reduced its authority, modeled on rules in California, to regulate the invasion of foreign species in the Great Lakes.

Kevin Parker was indicted.

Steve Ratner renegotiated his deal with the city and now can commit less money to transportation improvements and has to give only half of what he owes the M.T.A.

N.P.R. relays the dramatic events that transpired in the days before Sonia Sotomayor was nominated.

Chuck Schumer is very confident she'll be confirmed.

The state parks commissioner seems to be getting a very good deal on housing, and it seems this is not at all unusual for the department.

The city parks commissioner recounts his average Sunday for the Times.

The RenSquare project is still dragging, and few of the original problems have been resolved after five years.

After reconsidering, a writer at Planet Albany decides it's still fine to make fun of Dan Squadron.

Greg Sargent digs up old quotes from Sandra Day O'Connor that bear some similarity to Sotomayor's remarks about identity that have Republicans up in arms.

They are also up in arms over the Obamas' date-night in New York.

Charlie Rangel suggested the Obamas carry I.D.

Rangel's trip to the Caribbean last year is being investigated by the House ethics committee.

A top Google guy is going to the White House.

Weekend in Review: Weiner’s Endorsement, a Paterson Revival