Paterson: I Won’t Sign Those Bills

ALBANY—David Paterson said he does not believe State Senator Frank Padavan should have been counted as present when he passed

ALBANY—David Paterson said he does not believe State Senator Frank Padavan should have been counted as present when he passed through the State Senate chamber earlier this afternoon, and as such will not sign any of the legislation Democrats are passing there.

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"I've spoken to Senator Padavan, he says that he was walking in front of the Senate chamber, trying to get into the lounge. There was a gaggle of reporters," Paterson told reporters, according to the below video. "He went through the Senate chamber to get to the lounge, but it was before the Senate gaveled in. He said that when the Senate gaveled in he was already in the lounge. I will take his word for that. Therefore I will not sign any legislation passed in the regular session today, to be fair to all parties."  

On the chamber floor, some of Paterson's fellow Democrats were grumbling.

"He's going to refuse to sign the critical legislation he's been pressing for?" one Democratic senator complained. "What, does he want to see if he can get his poll numbers into the single digits?"

"I'm angry at the governor," State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr., said, after gesticulating wildly to colleagues with his hands.

Paterson: I Won’t Sign Those Bills