Aunt Mabel Suggests…

Ever notice that the most-emailed list is slanted toward an older demographic? Maybe because only folks over a certain

Ever notice that the most-emailed list is slanted toward an older demographic? Maybe because only folks over a certain age—like our Aunt Mabel—still use the email tool. Here’s a quick, annotated guide to what Grandma and Grandpa thought you might be interested in from …

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1. And finally! For the first time since last Monday, we’ve got someone at No. 1 who isn’t named Mark Bittman or Tom Friedman. The new fella? Paul Krugman. (We’ll take what we can get.)

2. The white roof story has surprising traction!

3. Auntie recommends we make our way out to Di Fara Pizza in Midwood. We’ll do it right after we visit the High Line.

4. Yawnsies!

5. Recession wine trip.

6. This is getting big placement on the home page, so no surprise here.

7. Ugh.

8. We have a feeling by the end of the day, this bit of news on the Clunkers will be No. 1.

9. Bittman just hanging on. Will he be here Monday?

10. Andrew Cuomo’s quiet campaign …

Today’s Tally:
Columnists: 3
Business: 2
New York: 1
Sleep: 1
Science: 1
Food: 1
Travel: 1

(Note: We counted the Broadway savings story as Arts and Money.)

Overall Tally:
Columnists: 79
Health: 55
Food: 26
Technology: 19
Op-Ed Contributors: 19
Travel: 19
Money: 16

Aunt Mabel Suggests…