A Funny Democrat and a Funny Republican come together for a good cause.

President Obama and Senator McCain may not have gotten along at the Health Care Reform Summit.  And Governor Christie may

President Obama and Senator McCain may not have gotten along at the Health Care Reform Summit.  And Governor Christie may have his sights set on the NJ budget woes that will sure to flare up with Senate President Steve Sweeney.

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But, Republicans and Democrats can work together to work on helping raise funds for a good cause.

Stand Up Against Hunger is a fundraising event hosted by Elijah’s Promise to abate hunger in the community of New Brunswick. The one time comedy show will help raise funds for the soup kitchen.
The event boasts two featured comedians me, Joey Novick (Democrat) and Republican Assemblyman Jon Bramnick (‘Funniest Lawyer in New Jersey’) with special guest appearances by Scott Blakeman and Jeff Kreisler.

Scott Blakeman has appeared on Comedy Central’s Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn, and co-hosted of several political humor segments on NBC’s “Sunday Today”. Scott was the warmup comedian for the Late Show with David Letterman and the CBS comedy series Welcome To New York.

Jeff Kreisler is the winner of the Bill Hicks Spirit Award for Thought Provoking Comedy, writer for Comedy Central’s Indecision2008, IFC, and author of Harper Collins’ “Get Rich Cheating” (a Boston Globe bestseller).
Since Elijah’s Promise began in 1989, they have been helping low-income people in the central New Jersey community.  From nutritious meals, to social services and health screening, to culinary arts job training and entrepreneurial training, to our their own catering business, Elijah’s Promise has been moving people from hunger to wholeness.

Thursday March 18th
Crossroads Theatre (7 Livingston Ave. New Brunswick)

Advanced at www.standup.dojiggy.com $25
at the door $35
Limited seating–reserve your tickets today!

Doors open at 6:15 for refreshments
Show begins at 7:00
General admission seating

A Funny Democrat and a Funny Republican come together for a good cause.