Once a Front-Runner for the T Job, Anne Christensen Now Out of a Job at the Times

The Daily News’ Gatecrasher column reported today that Anne Christensen is leaving The Times, after many had regarded her to be

The Daily News’ Gatecrasher column reported today that Anne Christensen is leaving The Times, after many had regarded her to be the front-runner to take over T after Stefano Tonchi left for W. Then The Times made the surprising announcement that it had hired Sally Singer away from Vogue, and all bets were off, and Ms. Christensen, the fashion director at T, was basically out of a job.

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One source told The Observer that The Times was able to convince Ms. Singer to leave Vogue by giving her the power to fire people, an unusual practice at the Times, which almost never relieves staffers unless there is a very significant reason.

Bill Keller told The News that “Having appointed a new chief editor, it’s only natural that we would be assembling a team — some T veterans, some new recruits — to work alongside her.” But it is not common practice at the paper and magazine to let staffers leave the building without finding a new job first.

Watch for Ms. Singer to make plenty of moves over the next few weeks and months ahead.

Once a Front-Runner for the T Job, Anne Christensen Now Out of a Job at the Times