Clinton Endorses, Robo-Calls for Schneiderman

A few days after Bill Clinton rallied the base in Brooklyn on behalf of Andrew Cuomo, the former president is

A few days after Bill Clinton rallied the base in Brooklyn on behalf of Andrew Cuomo, the former president is endorsing Cuomo’s preferred successor, attorney general candidate Eric Schneiderman.

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“I hope you’ll join me in voting for Eric Schneiderman for New York State Attorney General,” said President Clinton, in a release emailed by the Schneiderman campaign. “He’s been a true leader for reform, a pro-choice reformer who tossed out a corrupt senator of his own party. He’ll continue Andrew Cuomo’s work fighting public corruption and protecting New Yorkers. So on November 2nd, please join me in voting for Eric Schneiderman for Attorney General.”

You’ll notice the call mentions continuing Cuomo’s work–something Schneiderman has been talking a lot about lately.

Clinton Endorses, Robo-Calls for Schneiderman