Tea Partiers To Rally In Front Of Cymbrowitz Campaign Office Over Voorhies Mosque

The Brooklyn Tea Party is taking it to the streets tomorrow, staging a rally against assembly members Steven Cymbrowitz and

The Brooklyn Tea Party is taking it to the streets tomorrow, staging a rally against assembly members Steven Cymbrowitz and Helene Weinstein for their support for the construction of a mosque on Voorhies Avenue in Sheepshead Bay. The rally will be in front of Cymbrowitz’s campaign headquarters.

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Say the organizers:

The press conference will denounce Steven Cymbrowitz and Helene Weinstein in particular for their failure to respond to their constituents’ letters and rallies denouncing the Voorhies mosque.  We have sent Cymbrowitz and Weinstein  letters with over 1,300 signatures.  The community has held two rallies with over one hundred and fifty participants at each.  Yet Mr. Cymbrowitz and Ms. Weinstein will not speak publicly on the issue.  Both are cowards, neither are representatives. 
Many members of the Brooklyn TEA Party will attend.  We will have a table, a banner and signs.  We will ask the community to punish these politicians for ignoring their communities.

They pass along as well a video from their previous rally against the mosque from the summer.


Tea Partiers To Rally In Front Of Cymbrowitz Campaign Office Over Voorhies Mosque