Skelos Remembers What Happens to Budgets When Democrats Controlled Albany [Updated]

Dean Skelos is out with his own celebratory budget video, in which the Republican Senate majority leader assigns credit to

Dean Skelos is out with his own celebratory budget video, in which the Republican Senate majority leader assigns credit to his own party, despite the fact they control just one house of state government.

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“For the past two years, when state government was controlled by the Democrats, New Yorkers were hit with late budgets that increased spending, increased taxes and drove jobs out of the state,” Skelos said.

Andrew Cuomo released his own video statement about the budget this morning, and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver–the third man in the room where the budget deal was negotiated–has released a statement touting the budget but lamenting the expiration of the millionaire’s tax.

Update: Senate Democratic spokesman Austin Shafran emails to say, “The Senate chamber, which Senator Skelos blocked the public from yesterday, should be a place for bipartisan cooperation and united action, not political attacks. It is our hope the spirit of bipartisanship that gave us an on-time budget will continue and the promises we all made will be promises kept.”

Skelos Remembers What Happens to Budgets When Democrats Controlled Albany [Updated]