NRC to meet concerning Salem, Hope Creek nuclear plants

SALEM — The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a meeting at 6 p.m., Tuesday, May 10, regarding the agency’s annual

SALEM — The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a meeting at 6 p.m., Tuesday, May 10, regarding the agency’s annual assessment of safety performance for the Salem and Hope Creek nuclear power plants during 2010.

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The meeting will take place at the PSEG Energy & Environmental Resource Center, at 244 Chestnut St. here.

The Salem 1, Salem 2 and Hope Creek reactors are operated by PSEG Nuclear and are located at its Artificial Island nuclear generating complex in Lower Alloways Creek Township. The three plants comprise the second largest commercial nuclear complex in the United State.

In 2010, the NRC devoted about 6,900 hours to inspection of the Salem units and about 5,300 hours to inspection of Hope Creek, including three major team inspections for Salem and two major team inspections for Hope Creek.

 “Our Annual Assessment reviews allow us to step back and gauge whether the nuclear power plants we regulate are on the right track in terms of performance and adhering to the highest levels of safety,” NRC Region I Administrator Bill Dean said.

Residents will have the opportunity to ask questions.


NRC to meet concerning Salem, Hope Creek nuclear plants