You Must Remember This: Steven Soderbergh Has One Last Big Job, He Swears

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-What prurient topic could drag Steven Soderbergh away from retirement? (Call it The Boyfriend Experience, perhaps?)

Whose hat–which still looks to us like a pastry Photoshopped onto a woman’s head (it just doesn’t belong there!)–is a new Aretha-style meme?

-Which movie “is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). Crash, boom, bang, crash, boom, bang,” according to our Manohla?

-How did Condoleezza Rice do as an actress (and did past “acting” in front of Congress help)?

-Which pop star’s workout-themed music video, commissioned by Michelle Obama, is in part “building a new image for America”? :: @DPD_

You Must Remember This: Steven Soderbergh Has One Last Big Job, He Swears