Adam Moss Brings Photo Director Jody Quon Back to ‘New York’

My, that didn’t take long, did it? Sometime in the past month, while nobody was looking, departed New York magazine

My, that didn’t take long, did it? Sometime in the past month, while nobody was looking, departed New York magazine photography director Jody Quon quietly snuck back onto the weekly’s masthead, just below editor Adam Moss. After six years in the position, Ms. Quon had bolted last April to serve as creative director of Stefano Tonchi’s W (she was replaced by Jennifer Miller, the former photo director of Cosmopolitan). But Ms. Quon parted ways with W after just three issues (it was said there were too many cooks in the kitchen), and Mr. Tonchi replaced her with Alex Gonzalez, who maintains his brand consulting firm, AR New York. Ms. Quon must have been doing something right–W won the National Magazine Award for photography this month on the strength of the three issues she had worked on, which included that divisive nude of Kim Kardashian. Meanwhile, Ms. Miller left New York in March. She could not be reached for comment.

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“A tiny window presented itself,” Ms. Quon told Off the Record “[Ms. Miller] had left and Adam was needing a replacement.”

Ms. Quon said she enjoyed the time off but was happy to rejoin her friends and colleagues at New York.

“I’ve been working with Adam a long time, and so a relationship has built up. Not everyone has been blessed with those kinds of opportunities, where basically nothing has changed,” she said. “It’s such a gift.”

“I’ve been working Jody since the New York Times Magazine, that’s 16 years” Mr. Moss told Off the Record, “Jody knows how to push me and I know how to push Jody.”

Adam Moss Brings Photo Director Jody Quon Back to  ‘New York’