Sunday Reading: Eric Schneiderman is no John Liu

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Assemblyman Lancman Speaks to Employees at Cornerstone of Medical Arts Center as They Vote to Strike on July 29, 2011. (via Lancman's flickr stream)

2012: “I wouldn’t rule an endorsement out…But I don’t think he’ll run,” Koch said of Giuliani. [Larry McShane / Daily News]

2013: DC37 union boss reportedly very happy with Liu. [David Seifman / NY Post]

Debt: Optimism for a deal, but nothing firm yet. [Andrew Ackerman and Michael Crittenden / WSJ]

Immigration: Silent march on Friday commemorated first anniversary of Arizona’s immigration law. [Albor Ruiz / Daily News]

Wall Street: ” ‘We thought it was the second coming of John Liu’ said one business insider…But the fears about Mr. Schnedierman have proved unfounded so far.” [Shane Kavanaugh / Crains]

Airplanes: Bloomberg’s quip revealed some annoyance with Obama over the president’s criticism of jet owners. [David Seifman / NY Post]

District Leader: Names of dead voters on petitions in Lower Manhattan race. [Ginger Adam Otis / NY Post]

Headline: “Rupert Murdoch given $27M no-bid contract from state Department of Education.”

FOIL: City Parks Department slow to respond to requests for info, critics say. [Nicholas Hirshon / Daily News]

Staff: Markowitz’s office employs 66 people, including 3 chauffeurs, the most of any borough president.” [Isabel Vincent and Melissa Klein / NY Post]

Member Items: “City budget data shows that Jewish affiliated nonprofits have far outpaced their religious counterparts in bringing home taxpayer dough.” [Gary Buiso / NY Post]

Brooklyn: “[F]or a sitting DA to praise a pol as dubious as Lopez is just mind-boggling. Hynes should know better.” [NY Post]

Western NY: Zemsky is Cuomo’s go-to guy; Dem Erie County exec candidate  will have a major fund-raiser on August 18. [Bob McCarthy / Buffalo News]

Ticket Slowdown?: Some 52,159 moving violations were issued citywide for the 28-day period ending July 24, down from 67,649 over the same span last year.” [Kevin Deutsch and Bob Kappstatter / Daily News]

Staten Island: “Geography seems to be the last frontier where it’s OK to blatantly poke fun of someone.”[Jillian Jorgensen / SI Advance]

Media: Col Allan tells NY Post staff to keep any info on phone hacking and government bribery. [Jessica Vascellaro / WSJ

Media: Gay City News sees boost in ads, thanks to new same-sex marriage law. pMatthew Flamm / Crains]

Sunday Reading: Eric Schneiderman is no John Liu