Bret Easton Ellis Vents Class Rage in Shark Thriller

Paul Schrader wrote Taxi Driver and Raging Bull. Now he has collaborated on a shark movie with Bret Easton Ellis.

Paul Schrader wrote Taxi Driver and Raging Bull. Now he has collaborated on a shark movie with Bret Easton Ellis. The main character of this one sounds like a working-class Patrick Bateman crossed with Captain Ahab: a young man who decides to take revenge on the super-rich by propelling them to a sharky doom.

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According to The Hollywood Reporter, “The man, who works at a posh beach club, angles his way on to a yacht filled with the obnoxious elite, commandeering it into waters filled with the finned man-eaters.”

We also like how The Hollywood Reporter calls Mr. Schrader and Mr. Ellis “two of the greatest literary minds of their generations,” who will “elevate the genre.”

Bret Easton Ellis Vents Class Rage in Shark Thriller