The Closing: Irene’s NY Tab; FiDi’s ‘New Golden Era’; Fuzzy Feelings for a Tribeca Reno; and an Important Labor Day Tip

The Oak Room’s new toilets are already backed up with issues, and they haven’t even been built yet. [DNA Info]

The Oak Room’s new toilets are already backed up with issues, and they haven’t even been built yet. [DNA Info]

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Will the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 usher in a new “Golden Age” for Downtown real estate? [Crain’s]

Bank of America might be looking at amputating some of its toxic (read: mortgage bond-related) extremities. [Bloomberg]

Hurricane Irene’s damage might cost New York State a cool one billion dollars. [NY Times]

A salvation in Tribeca. [Curbed]

You know you did pretty well when you sell your place for more than $10 million and you’re disappointed in how far you had to come down on your asking. [Curbed]

‘A Diatribe on the Uselessness of the Rental Broker.’ [The Awl]

The “Carroll Gardens Finger” building is complete and…. well, we’ll let you start in with the insults. [Brownstoner]

Jane Walentas carousel is all shined up and ready to go. [McBrooklyn]

Elika Associates is getting into the management game. [The Real Deal]

And finally, in case you get an unwanted thought about pool toys this Labor Day weekend, we pray you’re not in Ohio. [NY Post]

The Closing: Irene’s NY Tab; FiDi’s ‘New Golden Era’; Fuzzy Feelings for a Tribeca Reno; and an Important Labor Day Tip