DCCC After Runyan again

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is once again taking aim at U.S. Rep. Jon Runyan, (R-3), the Republican ex-Eagles lineman

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is once again taking aim at U.S. Rep. Jon Runyan, (R-3), the Republican ex-Eagles lineman who won the seat in a hard fought election last year.

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The DCCC this time blames Runyan for the failure of the so-called Super Committee that recently folded its attempt to find $1.2 billion in federal budget cuts and revenue and plans a robocall in his district to let voters know.

According to a release, Runyan ensured the failure of the committee by “demanding more tax breaks for billionaires while insisting the Medicare guarantee be eliminated.”

Runyan has been a favorite target of the DCCC since his election last year. Since June, the Democrats have lobbed more than two dozen attacks at the freshman Congressman.  Runyan, who won a narrow victory over incumbent Democrat John Adler, is sure to be a target in 2012.

Wednesday, the Republican slammed the national Democrats for playing politics with the failure of the Super Committee.

“It is unfortunate that some want to play politics with the failure of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction,” Runyan said.  “This bi-partisan committee which was signed into law by President Barack Obama was given the critical task of identifying spending cuts that both Democrats and Republicans agree are desperately needed.  Their inability to reach an agreement will have serious consequences for our entire country.”

DCCC After Runyan again