Roundup: Unions to Endorse; The Latest on Liu; Romney Looks Ahead

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The pro-Cuomo Committee to Save New York spent $3.9 million to influence the budget.

How will union endorsements affect the open Queens congressional race?

Nydia Velázquez will likely be endorsed by the Working Families Party.

Email exchanges show John Liu was rather involved in his campaign’s fundraising activities.

Ruben Wills will be taken to court for not paying his rent.

Bob Turner is hoping New York City delivers financially.

Democrats pick up an State Assembly seat Upstate.

George Latimer made his electability pitch.

Danny Figueroa went on the attack against Luis Sepulveda.

Grace Meng picked up Karim Camara.

Chris Cillizza rates Ed Towns’ race as one of the top ten primaries against incumbents nationally.

Flirty video tape of Matt Doheny emerges. Will there be more?

Will Paul Ryan’s budget hurt Republican chances?

Mayor Bloomberg mused more on the meaning of Gracie Mansion.

And on making stop-and-frisk more selective.

A lawyer contended the Occupy protesters at Zuccotti Park didn’t break any laws.

Headline: “Breaking: NYS Government No Longer ‘A Joke'”

On the presidential race:

Mitt Romney’s campaigning for the general election now, thank you very much.

Don’t expect him to buy any lottery tickets.

The gap between Romney’s urban and rural support is widening.

The Pro-Newt Gingrich Super PAC rose from the dead.

Roundup: Unions to Endorse; The Latest on Liu; Romney Looks Ahead