How Much Do the Chelsea’s Residents Wish Stanley Bard Was Still Running the Show?

In light of Hotel Chelsea’s application for building a swanky rooftop, Curbed took us back in history to the time

In light of Hotel Chelsea’s application for building a swanky rooftop, Curbed took us back in history to the time when board members kicked out the hotel’s manager Stanley Bard. Gothamist interviewed Mr. Bard and received a tour of the hotel five years ago, and my how much it has changed.

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The hotel was purchased by the mysterious Joseph Chetrit who plans to transform the beloved building. The biggest obstacle was Mr. Bard who the board isolated and pushed out in 2007. He was the largest resistant against changes, especially since his father purchased the building in 1939, and Mr. Bard cultivated its personality and character over the decades.

SEE ALSO: How Tony Notarberardino’s ‘Chelsea Hotel Portraits’ Captured the End of an Era

Mr. Bard claims to have built an “mutual admiration society” between him and his residents. So much for all that.

How Much Do the Chelsea’s Residents Wish Stanley Bard Was Still Running the Show?