Faceless and Tasteless: Brooklyn Restaurant Debuts (Then Deletes) Culinary Homage to Miami Zombie

Bed-Stuy hipster den restaurant Do or Dine just posted –only to immediately delete– an image of a new dish called the

The so-called “Miami Open-Face with Smoked Bath Salts.” (Photo grabbed from Do or Dine’s Facebook page)

Bed-Stuy hipster den restaurant Do or Dine just posted –only to immediately delete– an image of a new dish called the “Miami Open-Face with Smoked Bath Salts” to their Facebook and Twitter accounts. We bet you can guess the inspiration!

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On Facebook, the image was accompanied by the text: “Too Soon? Scary news sucks. This doesn’t. Presenting the Miami Openface with Smoked ‘Bath Salts.'”

The idea was attributed to another Twitter user, @kroosh, or Kristen Crusius, who replied to the now-deleted Tweet with her own now-deleted Tweet, “wish I had a bridge to eat it under.”

Pictures of the deleted Tweets after the jump.

Faceless and Tasteless: Brooklyn Restaurant Debuts (Then Deletes) Culinary Homage to Miami Zombie