Tweets From The Trail: Getting Bumped By John Edwards

Today, political types were all about the John Edwards trial. Here’s our roundup of the day’s best Tweets from the

Today, political types were all about the John Edwards trial. Here’s our roundup of the day’s best Tweets from the campaign trail.

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Slate’s Dave Weigel tried to comfort Poltico’s Kate Nocera after her story was delayed by the John Edwards trial coverage.

RNC Deputy Communications Director Tim Miller speculated the verdict might have implications for young women in downtown Raleigh.

AP reporter Beth Fouhy was unconvinced by Mr. Edwards’ profession of love for his love child.

RawStory Executive Editor Megan Carpentier discussed what most Americans wanted to see come from the Edwards case.

New York Daily News opinion editor Josh Greenman urged everyone to have some perspective.

Tweets From The Trail: Getting Bumped By John Edwards