Sweeney: We will be there

Senate President Steve Sweeney responded to the governor’s call for a special legislative session today, saying that despite the balmy

Senate President Steve Sweeney responded to the governor’s call for a special legislative session today, saying that despite the balmy temperatures his caucus will be there.

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But in a statement issued to the press, Sweeney pointed out that any tax cut will have no effect until 2013.

“We presented the Governor with a budget committed to providing middle class property tax relief, and regardless of the governor’s political theatre no tax breaks will even go into effect until 2013. While the last thing anyone wants in the middle of a heat wave is hot air coming from Trenton, we will be there,” Sweeney said. 

Gov. Chris Christie has called for a special session on Monday at 11 and has asked to address both houses of the Legislature on tax relief.  Christie and legislative Democrats have battled in recent months over how best to provide tax relief to state taxpayers and whether the state’s economy is on sure enough footing to support it.

The budget passed Monday includes $183 million to provide a tax cut, but no authorizing legislation has yet been introduced.  Democrats say they prefer to wait six months to determine if the economy, and with it state revenues, has improved enough to warrant the cut. 

The governor has vowed to hammer Democrats all summer on the issue and began last week when he railed on lawmakers for failing to pass the cut and for passing the “millionaire’s tax.”  He singled out individual lawmakers, including Sen. Paul Sarlo (D-36) calling him an “arrogant S.O.B.” for comments he made about forcing the governor to wait for the cut.

Sweeney: We will be there