Oracle CEO and Island Owner Larry Ellison Reportedly Wants His Own Shiny Sports Empire

Oh, to be ridiculously wealthy.

This hotdog cost more than your first year at college. (Photo: ZPub)

Eccentric Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, who–like his spirit animal, George Clooney in The Descendants–recently bought his own Hawaiian island just for the hell of it, now has his eye on a $10 billion entertainment group. $10B? That’s chump change for America’s third richest man, but okay, we’ll go with it.

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Sources told Reuters that Mr. Ellison is interested in potentially bidding on the Anschutz Entertainment Group, which recently went up for auction. AEG owns entertainment venues like the Staples Center and the Home Depot Center, as well as a slew of soccer and basketball teams. According to Reuters, Mr. Ellison’s primary interest in the move lies in the possibility of relocating an NFL team to Los Angeles.

Mr. Ellison recently cashed out on some Oracle shares to the tune of $4.3 billion and told CNBC that the money was for “just in case I go shopping and something catches my eye,” because he is a motherfucking baller.

We eagerly await Mr. Ellison’s future purchase of that new fly ass diamond planet.

Oracle CEO and Island Owner Larry Ellison Reportedly Wants His Own Shiny Sports Empire