To Do Monday: Poker Faces

Wealth managers Alexandra Lebenthal and Michelle Smith know when to hold ’em and know when to fold ’em, and they

Alexandra Lebenthal

Wealth managers Alexandra Lebenthal and Michelle Smith know when to hold ’em and know when to fold ’em, and they host a quarterly women’s poker club to show off exactly how good they are at high-stakes betting. Among their fellow poker players, who find Maserati of Manhattan a more relaxing and pleasant staging ground than Vegas, are Guest of a Guest founder Rachelle Hruska and Gotham editor in chief Samantha Yanks … Meanwhile, Mikhail Baryshnikov hosts a private cocktail reception for “The Art I’ve Lived With,” a gallery show of his broad collection of largely Russian art. Lucky guests will get to compare Jean Cocteau’s portraits of Diaghilev and Nijinsky with the living, breathing Mr. Baryshnikov.

Ladies Poker Night, Maserati of Manhattan, 1 York Street, by invitation only; “The Art I’ve Lived With” opening, ABA Gallery, 7 East 17th Street, #2, tonight’s opening by invitation only, show runs from December 4 to 15, Tuesday to Saturday, 12pm to 5pm.

To Do Monday: Poker Faces