Donohue and Greco: LD1 “prime pickup” territory for GOP

Republicans responded swiftly in the aftermath of state Sen. Jeff Van Drew’s (D-1) announcement that Army Sgt. Robert Andrejczak would

Republicans responded swiftly in the aftermath of state Sen. Jeff Van Drew’s (D-1) announcement that Army Sgt. Robert Andrejczak would be replacing Assemblyman Matt Milam (D-1) on the LD 1 ticket this year.

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“First and foremost, we deeply respect the service of Sgt. Robert Andrzejczak and all he and his family have sacrificed for our country and our freedom,” said Cape May County GOP Chairman Mike Donohue and Cumberland County GOP Chairman Bob Greco in a joint statement.

They were unconvinced the move will save the incumbents.

Donohue and Greco said removing a “longtime, well-known Democratic incumbent like Milam” from the race, coupled with an extremely popular Governor Chris Christie on top of the Republican ticket this fall makes the 1st Legislative District the GOP’s most prime pick-up opportunity in the state.

“The once formidable Van Drew team is officially no more,” said Donohue and Greco.  “And given Assemblyman Nelson Albano’s very serious ethical troubles regarding his ‘Trooper Gate’ scandal, it wouldn’t surprise us if another retirement is imminent.”

Donohue and Greco: LD1 “prime pickup” territory for GOP