Bridget Riley to Zwirner

The New York Times reports that David Zwirner will now represent the English painter Bridget Riley.  Sign Up For Our Daily

A work by Ms. Riley at Sotheby's. (Courtesy Getty Images)
A work by Ms. Riley at Sotheby’s. (Courtesy Getty Images)

The New York Times reports that David Zwirner will now represent the English painter Bridget Riley. 

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Mr. Zwirner told the paper that he plans to show the 82-year-old artist at his London space this spring. She has previously shown with the Pace Gallery and Karsten Schubert.

“Karsten remains her agent still,” wrote Zwirner spokeswoman Julia Joern in an email, stating that Zwirner will only show Ms. Riley in London.

“We represent Bridget Riley in New York,” wrote Pace Gallery spokeswoman Concetta Duncan in another email.

Read more at The Times.

Update, Nov. 1, 11:50 a.m.: Added quote from Zwirner.

Update, Nov. 1, 6:30 p.m.: Added quote from Pace.

Bridget Riley to Zwirner