Weekly Advance: Week of Dec. 2, 2013

TRENTON – The Statehouse is set to be fairly quiet coming off the holiday weekend. Sign Up For Our Daily

TRENTON – The Statehouse is set to be fairly quiet coming off the holiday weekend.

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The legislative agenda is largely bare with the exception of a Senate quorum and a spattering of Senate committee hearings slated for Thursday.

The Affordable Care Act, described by President Barack Obama’s critics as “Obamacare,” will be a topic discussed under the Golden Dome this week as The Senate Commerce Committee will take testimony regarding individuals whose policies are being canceled because they won’t conform to new ACA guidelines.

The act requires individual and small group “non-grandfathered” health insurance plans to meet certain minimum standards, according to officials. Senate lawmakers will discuss the impact of this policy on New Jersey residents.

As of late last week, the rest of the legislative calendar was bare and all other eyes will be on legislative leaders and Gov. Chris Christie, who are all still coming off of the ride of the recent statewide elections.

Weekly Advance: Week of Dec. 2, 2013