Bill de Blasio’s Twitter Chat Mixed Politics With Poetry

Some questions answered, others ignored

Mayor Bill de Blasio's Twitter chat on Monday was a mix of serious questions and fluff about funnel cake. (Getty)
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Twitter chat on Monday was a mix of serious questions and fluff about funnel cake. (Getty)

Giving a jolt to a slow day for politics, on Monday afternoon Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted this out to his 234,000 followers:

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Soon #bdbchat was among the top five trends in New York City, as metro residents grilled the mayor on matters of both policy and personal taste.

To his credit, Mr. de Blasio did answer substantive questions on issues like economic development and homelessness:

However, the mayor seemed to take more pleasure in answering questions that had nothing to do with politics:

Mr. de Blasio actually only answered a small portion of the questions directed at him—there were several pointed ones he ignored:

And of course, there were a few jokers in the mix:

There is no indication that there will be more mayoral Twitter takeovers in the future.

Bill de Blasio’s Twitter Chat Mixed Politics With Poetry