French Court Jails Auction House Thieves, Museum of Arts and Design Names Director

Members of an art handling union caught stealing from French auction house Drouot have been sentenced to jail time, and their union has been dissolved.

A porter holds up the manuscript of Marcel Proust's questionaire, 27 May 2003 put up for sale in Paris by Beaussant-Lefevre auction house at Drouot hotel in Paris. The manuscript from 1884-1887, conceived by Proust at 14, was sold 120.227 Euro, four time its estimate price, to French designer Gerard Darel.
A porter holds up the manuscript of Marcel Proust’s questionnaire, for sale in Paris by Beaussant-Lefevre auction house at Drouot hotel in Paris.

French court convicts 38 in theft trial. Members of an art handling union caught stealing from French auction house Drouot have been sentenced to jail time, and their union has been dissolved.

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Museum of Arts and Design taps Jorge Daniel Veneciano as director. Veneciano was, until this August, director at El Museo del Barrio. He’ll start his new gig at MAD on October 3.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio puts forward nomination for Governors Island president and CEO. Governors Island has become a hot destination for outdoor recreation and summer festivals. Mayor de Blasio has nominated architect Michael M. Samuelian, who also serves as vice president of Related Companies and has overseeing the development of Hudson Yards, to lead the Trust for Governors Island.

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Empty Smithsonian museum gets a director. Rachel Goslins has been named director of the Smithsonian’s Arts and Industries Building, which sits on the National Mall. Gosling will be in charge of deciding what to do with the tremendous historic space. So far, she’s thinking of focusing programming on innovation initiatives and creating a Latino gallery.

French Court Jails Auction House Thieves, Museum of Arts and Design Names Director