Sarah Jessica Parker Puts the Kibosh on Those ‘Sex and the City 3’ Rumors

Sorry, folks. It's not happening.

Sex and the City 3 Rumors
Is ‘Sex and the City 3’ coming or not? HBO

Sorry folks, but Sex and the City 3 isn’t happening after all. Earlier this month, a rumor that the the threequel had received the greenlight sent the Internet into a tizzy (people still use that word, right?), but now star Sarah Jessica Parker is setting the record straight.

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“It’s over…we’re not doing it,” the actress told Extra. “I’m disappointed. We had this beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story. It’s not just disappointing that we don’t get to tell the story and have that experience, but more so for that audience that has been so vocal in wanting another movie.”

Parker’s comments help clear up some speculation that actress Kim Cattrall was holding up the third film with diva-like demands. On Thursday, the Daily Mail reported that Cattrall would only appear in Sex and the City 3 if Warner Bros. produced other films she had in development. However, Cattrall quickly took to Twitter to shoot down the report.

Kristin Davis, who played Charlotte, also commented on the project on her Instagram page.

While fans may be upset at the news, it’s hard to be too disappointed. Sex and the City had a damn good run with six seasons on HBO between 1998 and 2004 and two films. The 2008 feature earned $415 million worldwide and the 2010 sequel grossed $288 million, per Box Office Mojo. Those diminishing returns may have had something to do with WB’s reluctance to move forward with a third.

Sarah Jessica Parker Puts the Kibosh on Those ‘Sex and the City 3’ Rumors